At Restorative, we are committed to your recovery.
Restorative Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation is the best outpatient physical therapy in Chester County, PA. We are family-owned and serve Chester County residents with personal, one-on-one professional care that shows we are committed to putting our patients first. Through our personalized, integrative, and skilled physical therapy services, we provide high-quality care in a welcoming environment with sensitivity and compassion for patients of all ages. Our experienced clinicians are committed to delivering a great patient care experience from beginning to end guided by our four core principles.
Relieve your pain. Regain your life.
Mon: 8 AM - 7 PM
Tues: 7 AM - 7 PM
Wed: 7 AM - 4 PM
Thurs: 7AM - 7 PM
Fri: 7 AM - 4 PM
Click here to learn about what we treat, how we treat, and how our services and top-notch staff help set Restorative apart from other physical therapy clinics.
Book an Appointment
Ready to start the path of relieving pain and regaining your life? We would love to be a part of your journey to recovery. Book an appointment with us today!